Posts tagged python

Exploring Python Performance: PyPy vs CPython vs Numba

Python developers often face the decision of choosing between different implementations for their projects, especially when performance is a crucial factor. In this blog post, we delve into a comparative benchmarking study between PyPy, CPython, and Numba, focusing on calculating Pi value using a custom script.

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Creating Your Own Small Scale Application Server Using PubSub Pattern

I recently had the idea to develop a small proof-of-concept application server using the built-in pub/sub functionality of Redis, and decided to get started on it.

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Calculating π with Numba

Here is a version of the calculation of π using numba. Numba does just-in-time compilation from Python code and also supports parallelism. I was able to test calculate_pi() in the order of billions of iteretions and without consuming too much memory.

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Building and Deploying a Blog with Sphinx, Ablog, and PyData Sphinx Theme

Python is not only a powerful tool for data analysis and backend development – it’s also an excellent platform for content creators who want to share their ideas with the world. As a fellow Pythonista, I was determined to build a blog using Python-centric tools. That’s when I discovered a fantastic trio: Sphinx, Ablog, and the PyData Sphinx Theme. Here’s how to build your blog with these tools and deploy it on GitHub Pages with the power of GitHub Actions.

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